In november 2023, we were heartbroken to learn about a small dog in the west Virginia, who had just entered the local council pound. Called Tito, this poor pup had arrived with another dog, a young shepherd who was absolutely terrified.

We couldn’t help but inquire about the other dog, and when we saw a photo, our hearts shattered. It showed a small shepherd hunched in a corner, with the saddest and most scared look in her eyes. We knew we had to help them both.

The situation was dire. Our resources were already stretched thin, caring for a multitude of dogs in need. But further inquiries revealed a harrowing tale. The dog catcher had been brutally forceful in capturing this small shepherd, leaving her traumatized and shivering in the cold, desolate kennel of the northern council pound. Never had we seen a dog in such dire need. We couldn’t turn our backs on her. Acting swiftly, we arranged for a paid boarding facility to take her out of the hellhole she’d called home. We christened the shepherd “Antia,” though her fear remained deeply embedded. Despite the best efforts of the staff at the boarding residence, Antia refused any touch. She wouldn’t even enter the building, choosing to spend the night huddled in the yard, far from human reach, her eyes filled with suspicion and terror.

We needed a solution, and fast. Antia couldn’t spend her entire life outdoors. Summer was fleeting, and winter’s harshness loomed. The longer her isolation continued, the deeper her distrust would grow.

Desperate for help, we reached out to Janine Davenport, a highly experienced behavioralist. We hoped she would consider fostering Antia and use her expertise to heal her emotional wounds and prepare her for adoption. To our immense relief, Janine readily agreed.

With meticulous care, the boarding staff managed to fit a collar on Antia, allowing for safe transport. Due to the high escape risk, strict instructions were given to leave Antia undisturbed in her crate throughout the long journey. We anxiously awaited her arrival, knowing the fear she must be experiencing. Every hour felt like an eternity.


Janine awaited Antia’s arrival, ready to shower her with the love and care she desperately needed. The journey was a tense and emotional one, but finally, after days of travel, Antia reached her new haven.

Antia arrived at Janine’s late at night, and a collective sigh of relief echoed through the house as she was safely brought inside.
While safe, Antia was far from happy. When asked about her initial assessment, Janine simply said, “She’s lovely, and will be even lovelier once she stops trying to bite me.” Antia was left in her bed in the kitchen overnight with her leash on. Every attempt by Janine to remove the leash resulted in Antia panicking, lunging at the air, and clinging to the lead.

Janine confirmed that Antia was deeply traumatized and her rehabilitation would be no easy feat. However, even amidst the initial challenges, Janine could already see the glimmer of a good dog beneath the fear, a dog ultimately wanting to please.

Despite the challenges ahead, everyone involved held onto the hope that Antia, with Janine’s expertise and love, would one day overcome her trauma and find a loving forever home.

To facilitate a smooth transition, we opened a messaging thread where Janine provided daily updates on Antia’s progress, detailing the techniques used, what Antia liked and disliked, and most importantly, how her issues were being resolved. This open communication served as a masterclass in behavior modification, allowing June to gain a deep understanding of Antia’s challenges and the methods being employed to overcome them.

Thanks to Janine’s tireless dedication, patience, and love, Antia began experiencing numerous firsts, each marking a significant milestone in her journey of healing.

  • First off-leash moment: Antia finally allowed Janine to remove her leash, a major step toward trusting humans again.
  • Harnessing cooperation: Antia accepted a non-escape harness, indicating a willingness to explore the world safely with her human companion.
  • Guided walks: Antia consented to the lead guiding her around the garden, demonstrating a newfound trust in Janine’s lead.
  • Escape-free exploration: Antia ventured into the garden without attempting to flee, signifying a growing sense of security.
  • New friends: Antia formed positive relationships with other dogs, a testament to her overcoming her fear of canine interaction.
  • Affectionate gesture: Antia licked Janine’s hands, a heartwarming display of gratitude and trust.
  • Playful joy: Antia chased and played with a ball with carefree abandon, reveling in the simple pleasures of canine life.
  • Confident walks: Antia joined Janine on walks, exploring the world with confidence and curiosity, never forgetting to flash her happy smile.

These “firsts” were not merely isolated achievements; they marked a cumulative transformation in Antia’s life. With each hurdle overcome, Antia shed the shackles of her trauma and embraced the joys of a dog’s life. She learned to trust, to play, to explore, and most importantly, to love.

Janine’s unwavering commitment and Antia’s inherent resilience paved the way for this remarkable recovery. Their journey serves as a powerful testament to the transformative power of love, patience, and expert guidance.

Antia has come a long way from the frightened, traumatized dog just one months ago. Gone is the fear in her eyes, replaced by a playful glint and a wagging tail.

So let us celebrate Antia’s journey and let it inspire us to continue fighting for the well-being of all animals in need. Together, we can make a difference and ensure that every dog, regardless of their background, has a chance at a happy and fulfilling life.